
I am behind in my personal archiving. Do you know why? It’s because I got an iPhone, and after that happened, i don’t think i opened my laptop once until last night, when my phone broke (by which i mean i broke it, which took a surprising amount of well-intentioned but poorly researched effort). but … More Catch-up

Post-grad Paralysis

I’m experiencing this to a high degree. I feel like I’m living in a weird in-between. There is no way to say this without sounding more like Holden Caufield than I’m comfortable with, but I have so many different possibilities in front of me that I’m feeling a mix of restlessness and melancholy. Mostly, I … More Post-grad Paralysis

Things They Don’t Teach You in Library School (round 1)

After 4 shifts as a library page, I have already begun to glean wisdom that I didn’t learn from my library school classes, and I want to share that wisdom with the world, because I’m an aspiring librarian and that’s all we ever really want to do, besides have cats and read books. Here is my first … More Things They Don’t Teach You in Library School (round 1)

Libraries, Coffee Shops, and Democracy

The title makes this sound like a really interesting, cohesive post about open democratic spaces in American society, and how those might actually look /function in today’s age of mass-media information influx. Actually, it’s just a quick reflection on my first week out of grad school, trying to adjust to summer. The coffee shop job is hectic, … More Libraries, Coffee Shops, and Democracy

In the Beginning

Today was my very first day as a part-time library page at my local library. Is it disheartening to be working 14 hours a week in an extremely entry-level position at a library, having just finished my Master’s? I don’t know exactly. Yes? It should be? Honestly though, I’m just so grateful to have a … More In the Beginning